Saturday 31 July 2010

... gets me higher high high

For all of us there is a strain of music that can immediately lift our spirits and make it soar! We just need to find the songs that do that to us.

For me, it's Under Pressure by Queen.

Never mind that the lyrics actually talk about human pain and suffering. Never mind that the message is preachy. Never mind that there is a message. You still feel like singing along with the lyrics, and the beats make you tap your feet and do a little jig of your own.

I love Freddie Mercury's perfect diction, his stage presence, and his beautiful golden voice that can hit any note from the lowest to the highest with the same ease with which mere mortals like us breathe! Watching his performance or listening to his music always manages to get me higher high high...
When we lost him, we really lost a great artist!

And the best thing is that you don't need to be a great artist to sing along to this one. And trust me, you would want to. And hell, if I can sing along, then anyone can.

So don't forget to tell us what your pick-me-up song is! Leave us a comment. :)

Now, ladies and gentlemen - I give you - Under Pressure.

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