Sunday 7 November 2010

Kiss the rain

After many muggy days, it's absolutely delightful to have Mother Nature pitter patter away the entire day. Not too heavy that it floods the city and not too light that you can go about your daily routines; just the right intensity to allow you to stay indoors. The temperature decreases, the chill sets in, the skies are a canvas of graphite blues, steel grays, and deep purples while the trees, shrubs, all living creatures are awash with new life.

It's on days like these, when it's absolutely right to feel wonderfully slovenly and sloth-like.

Don your favorite Tee and pair of pajamas and head to bed. Cuddle up and make yourself cozy in your comforting comforter or quilt, watch TV, play some music from your Ipod or read a book as the rain rumbles and resounds in the background.

If not your bed, snuggle up in your settee, savor and snack on some piping hot crisp eats and down the mellifluous chai, or enigmatic Qahwa. If neither are your choice of poison, simply seek solace in hot chocolate or milk.

There is no greater joy than standing at a window or from an elevated surface and watching the rain drops plop onto various surfaces. A far more reveling pleasure is derived from watching helpless pedestrians and commuters get wet, albeit their umbrellas and rain coats, and the smugness of knowing you're warm, dry and snug as a bug in a rug.

As the temperature decreases, the cold fills the air and glass surfaces become a canvas for childhood blackboard games like noughts and crosses and connect the dots.

If you're up for it, take your rain protection gear and step out. Have a blast as you splash puddles of water everywhere and sail paper boats in road streams thus reliving childlike happy days.

If you want to be one with the elements, just kiss the rain and fall in love all over again!


  1. this post completely inspired me.

    i've never been a fan of rain or cold weather for that matter, but this made me want to fall in love with it.

    this was so needed.

    cute blog!!!

  2. Thank you so much. Glad you were inspired :)!

  3. I lovelovelove the picture for this post!
