Friday 19 August 2011

The first

The first moments are always the special- The first time you smiled, you walked, said your first words, tried to ride a bicycle, came first in class, had your teeth removed, had your first crush, fell in love, first kiss, first date, first break up, first proposal, the i do moments, the list can go on endlessly - and we cherish them, however silly, sordid, sober, or special they may appear to be.

It's hard to forget and we cling on to them for the sentiment of having been our first.

If there is one thing that really picks me up, it's the novelty and assurance of knowing that i was and am the first in my family to have done and achieved certain accomplishments in my life like -

1)Being the only blogger in the family!
2)Moving out.
3)Travelling alone.
4)Getting a master's degree.

And that always makes me feel good!

Monday 11 July 2011

Bubble Wrap

No matter how old or young you are, one cannot resist the temptation and urge to pop bubble wrap.

Indeed, there is no greater stress reliever and 'pick me up' than popping bubble wrap.


The joys of licking cake batter

Baking a cake, frosting it, and serving it a bunch of friends who go absolutely wide eyed in admiration over it, is a delight every baker enjoys.

But an even greater joy is licking raw, creamy cake batter off the whisk.
Don't deny it!

Everyone, young and old alike, pets too, absolutely love eating cake batter. It brings out the child in us, of memories associated with birthdays, celebrations, picnics, tea time or baking disasters!

Honestly, nothing can compare to it; the anticipation while whisking the butter and sugar along with the eggs, imagining what it will taste like when the cocoa powder, vanilla essence and flavor is combined along with the flour, the despair while watching the batter fall in dollops into the greased pan, and finally the excitement of knowing that some of the batter managed to stick onto the sides of the mixing bowl just by sheer telepathy and defying Newton's laws of gravity.

The taste of cake batter just got better.

Eating or licking cake batter is not just an activity where one just eats uncooked batter off a spoon or a whisk. It is an art form- you need to ensure you get as much off the bowl and whisk by scraping spoons or plastic spatulas across the bowls, getting every creamy drop that didn't get away.

Apart from the physical activity of licking cake batter, there is the mental and emotional involvement.

While eating raw cake batter? You're making a fool of me?

I kid you not!

There is so much more to it-

While eating raw cake batter with my friends and family, I cherish the kinship that forms;the memories that one creates, the devilish behavior for more, the angelic behavior that gives, the love, joy and compassion that one feels when one shares it with others as you bake.

Wonderful isn't it? I think so.

And here's the best part-

If you eat the cake batter, the cake tastes better once it's baked!

Don't say i didn't warn you!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Devil is in the details

Down in the dumps?No amount of pep talk can cheer you up?

Never fear, the remedy is here!

Devour a slice of Devil's food cake, snack on chocolate chip cookies, down a chocolate milk shake and feast on a bar of dark chocolate.


Hell No!

All together!

The result:

Endorphins and Serotonin overload which will make you feel over-the-top happy!!

Don't say the devil didn't tempt you!

Sunday 17 April 2011


According to Wikipedia, a hero is a person who performs extraordinary deeds for the benefit of others.

When I was little, Heroes were people or creatures who had superpowers, extraordinary abilities, which were either innate, acquired or scientifically obtained, & used to fight evil. All the characters that emerged from comic strips, cartoons & later movies had me hooked.

Even now, when i watch the movies or the cartoons, read the comic strips, i'm absolutely delighted, thrilled and in completely in love with them. It makes me feel good and i'm sure it does for everyone too.

Whether it's Peter Parker, Hiro Nakamura, or Wolverine, you can't help but love them and want to be loved by them. Heroes do exist; they are among us with and without their superpowers, ready to protect us.

Spiderman, X Men, Bionic Six, Fantastic Four, The Swatkats, Centurions, Transformers, Thunder cats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Johnny Quest are some of my favorite superheroes.

Who are your favorite superheroes?

Monday 24 January 2011

On a break

When you're absolutely busy, when you feel like you're being pulled from multiple directions and you feel like your mind and body is going to explode from all the fatigue and exhaustion, do this-

Take a break!

It works wonders for the mind, body & soul.

Whether it involves stepping away from whatever that's working you up, sipping on a warm beverage, inhaling the smell of fresh air infused with the smell of yummy food, talking to a friend or colleague or just plain staying put in one place, it's restful and relaxing.

Squeezing a power nap in between the break is all the more rejuvenating.

But the best feeling ever, is taking a break during or after a busy week!!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Cuppa love

Something that always manages to put a smile on my face is sipping on a warm beverage from a cute cup or mad mug.

The color of the cup, the design, the writings, the more creative they are, the better!

It doesn't matter if the beverage is milk, liquid chocolate,tea, coffee, soup or even plain water, quirky, kitsch cups or mental, magna mugs just make even the most terrible liquid concoctions taste better.

So, what's your cuppa love?

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Tee off

You have to admit it.

The sight of a Tee with a kooky, cute or cool slogan definitely does make you grin!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Little things

All good things come in small packages

It's never the big, ostentatious, expensive stuff that make us happy; it's always the little things. They're often inexpensive, obscure, even junk, but they have the supernatural ability to arouse a lifetime of memories and feel good happy hormones to make you positively jubilant.

Here are some little things that make a big deal-

1) Vintage photographs

2) Hand drawn or painted pictures

3) Wind up miniature toys

4) Smiley buttons

5) A hoarde of seashells from the seashore
6) Finding lost, but not forgotten, letters

7) Short hand written notes from loved ones

8) A secondhand copy of a book, that's been out of circulation, you've been dying to read

9) Home made cakes and cookies

10)Helium balloons

11) Soap bubbles

12) Old cartoons

13) A mixed tape or cd of your favorite tunes

14) Nail polish

15) Key chains

What are your favorites?